2006 Year Book Of Hand And Upper Limb Surgery. 2006 Year Book of Hand and Upper Limb Surgery Yearbook of Hand Surgery 7428 Only 1 left in stock - order soon. It features articles by leading experts on the latest surgical techniques the newest equipment and progress in therapies for rehabilitation.

From James Chang MD FACS Associate Professor of Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery Hand and Microsurgery Program Director Plastic Surgery Stanford University Medical CenterThe Yearbook of Hand and Upper Limb Surgery is an annual revie. The Abductometer A New Way of Looking at the Quantitative Measurement of Thumb Function. Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 43.
E ability to perform bimanual activities.
It features articles by leading experts on the latest surgical techniques the newest equipment and progress in therapies for rehabilitation. The primary focus of the journal is hand surgery but articles on the wrist elbow and shoulder. In the supple or passively correctable forearm restoring active supination via tendon transfer frequently leads to better function. Trends in Wrist Fractures in.