2007 2008 Survey Of Dental Education Volume 5 Finances. This is considerably more optimistic than in any other year since the Great Recession in 2008. Go to the Survey of Dental Practice series to download the free reports.

This is considerably more optimistic than in any other year since the Great Recession in 2008. Dec 01 2009 The title of this book is 2007-2008 Survey of Dental Education Volume 5 and it was written by American Dental Association. Approximately 40 percent of the data-based articles reported in the Journal of Dental Education in the last five years have used survey research procedures.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website.
Inside Dentistry Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry Inside Dental Technology Inside Dental Hygiene Inside Dental. The data on dental economic trends documented the expansion of the dental service. Go to the Survey of Dental Practice series to download the free reports. The Employment of Dental Practice Personnel provides information on a national level.