2007 Benchmarking And Data Book Of Water Utilities In India. Comparative study through bar charts and tables. The PWWA collects technical and financial performance data from its utility members and all of them participated in the PWWA benchmarking exercises.

A benchmarking exercise covering 13 utilities in India in 2003-04. The PWWA collects technical and financial performance data from its utility members and all of them participated in the PWWA benchmarking exercises. The Water and sanitation Program provided the Ministry of urban Development government of india with technical support and guidance for designing this information note Photographs by the Water and Sanitation Program Created by Write Media Printed at PS Press Services Pvt.
Ministry of Urban Development.
2007 Benchmarking and Data Book of Water Utilities in India Publication October 2007 The data book provides information from water utilities in 20 cities under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission and is based largely on 20052006 data. The 2007 Benchmarking and Data Book of Water Utilities in India is a comprehensive compilation of information on the performance of Indian water utilities. 2007 benchmarking and data book of water utilities in India by Asian Development Bank unknown edition. The analysis and profiles in this data book will help to identify new JNNURM projects for improving water utility performance.