2007 Official Playing Rules Of The National Football League. Goal Lines shall be established in the field 10 yards from and parallel to each end line. Those on each side are termed Sidelines.

Publication date 2007 Topics National Football League Football Football -- Rules Publisher Chicago. Those on each side are termed Sidelines. This edition of the Official Playing Rules of the National Football League contains all current rules governing the playing of professional football that are in effect for the 2015 NFL season.
Official Playing Rules of the National Football League by Triumph Books Staff 2007 Perfect at the best online prices at eBay.
This edition of the Official Playing Rules of the National Football League contains all current rules governing the playing of professional football that are in effect for the 2017 NFL season. OFFICIAL NFL PLAYING RULES 1 Rule 1 The Field Section 1 Dimensions The game shall be played upon a rectangular field 360 feet in length and 160 feet in width. For instance the book described how once a football touches an eligible receiver all of the players including offensive linesmen become eligible. Used options and get the best deals for Official Rules of the NFL Ser.