2008 International Conference On Application Specific Systems Architectures And Processors. Jun 26 2003 Get this from a library. The conference covers the theory and practice of application-specific systems architectures and processors.

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from. It later developed into the International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors. International Conference on Application-Specific Systems Architectures and Processors Proceedings Citations.
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Application-Specific Systems Architectures and Processors Asap 2000. 24-26 June 2003 The Hague The Netherlands. The conference will cover the theory and practice of application-specific systems architectures and processors. The conference covers the theory and practice of application-specific systems architectures and processors - specifically building upon traditional strengths in areas such as computer arithmetic cryptography compression signal and image processing network processing reconfigurable computing application-specific instruction-set processors and hardware.