2009 2010 Advisory List Of International Educational Travel And Exchange Programs. ADVISORY LIST OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL AND EXCHANGE PROGRAMS. Choose from summer programs high school exchanges or a gap year.

Foreign exchange programs are an integral part of the school experience and should provide a cultural. Join us for the second session in the book discussion Chapters 5 and 7 as part of ETCS Special Interest Series Using Dr. Be the first to write a review.
These programs were found to be in compliance with CSIET Standards based on the information available to CSIET andor through a compliance audit.
Choose from summer programs high school exchanges or a gap year. Exchange Visitors cannot travel on the Visa Waiver Program or with Visitor Visas - An exchange visitor visa J is required to participate in an exchange visitor program in the United StatesForeign nationals may not study after entering on a visitor B visa or through the Visa Waiver Program VWP For more information on the VWP see Visa Waiver Program. Standards of International Education Travel CSIET and the United States Information Agency USIA. International Educational Exchange Inc.