2009 First Bus Handbook Information As At February 2009. 07202009 VHA Manual M-11 CH 13 Notices. The information in this Handbook does NOT imply or create policy law.

Table of Contents Module 1Introduction and Overview. Lost Bus Pass There is a 5 fee to replace a lost stolen or damaged bus pass. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader.
However the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied.
It usually denotes a helicopter operated by Marine Helicopter Squadron One Nighthawks consisting of either the large Sikorsky VH-3D Sea King or the newer smaller VH-60N White HawkBoth helicopters are called White Tops. For official purposes please refer to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and regulations as well as the Public Vehicles Act and regulations. Lost Bus Pass There is a 5 fee to replace a lost stolen or damaged bus pass. We hope that this handbook answers many questions and gives school bus drivers the necessary guidelines to perform effectively and efficiently.