2010 Appraisal Management Company Directory English Edition. Dec 18 2012 We Are A Real Estate Appraisal Management Company. The rule implemented by HVCC requires all the transactions related to real estate appraisal to go through one of the appraisal management companies.

First 46 on the list send the most work First 10 on the list are currently my BEST clients. Jan 29 2019 Each appraisal state agency should keep a roster of all of the appraisal management companies in that state. 1 Recruit select and retain appraisers.
2 Contract with appraisers to perform appraisals.
Asset management companies will interview and screen appraisers to ensure they are the best candidates for their company. Appraisal management companies are at a rise in the recent past. Find zipFormreg legal articles and advice CE training marketing materials and more. Starting an appraisal management company requires moderate startup capital.