2011 Coding And Billing For Neurology Neurosurgery Expert. Find courses webinars publications and more. The 2020 AANS Managing Coding.

The AANs Role in Advancing Coding and Reimbursement for Neurology. 25 years experience coding for and training evaluation and management physicians to improve documentation and coding compliance. As a renowned player BillingParadise is well-versed in processing claims bills and statements.
Directed by a nationally known Evaluation and Management coding and reimbursement expert who is both a certified coder and a certified instructor of coding.
11 Because telemedicine precludes a full neurologic examination providers may find coding by time CPT 99201-99205. 19995 ADD TO SHOPPING CART Consolidate the coding process with the Coding Companion your one-stop resource developed exclusively for those who code for neurosurgery and neurology servicesThis comprehensive and easy-to-use guide includes 2018 CPT HCPCS and ICD-10-CM code sets. Dec 11 2019 Im trying to figure out how to code a procedure for precertification. We are the industrys best alternative for Neurosurgery medical coding billing and collections for practice-based Neurosurgery physician groups because of the accuracy of our coders the painstaking attention to detail and tireless.