2012 Eurocall Proceedings Call Using Learning Knowing English Edition. Critical CALL Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference Padova Italy Edited by Francesca Helm Linda Bradley Marta Guarda Sylvie Thousny. Proceedings of the 2013 EUROCALL Conference vora Portugal.

Learning from thePast Looking to the Future. Using one-way repeated measures ANOVA and t-test the present study found the following. Which attracted approximately 280 practitioners researchers and students from computer-assisted language learning CALL and related disciplines of more than 40 different nationalities.
Over 170 presentations were delivered on topics related to this overarching theme.
The wide range of tools and applications available today offer promising solutions for the facilitation of pronunciation training one of the most challenging and often neglected areas in foreign language teaching and learning. Over 170 presentations were delivered on topics related to this overarching theme. Using Learning Knowing was organised by the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. The 2012 EUROCALL Conference on CALL.