2012 International Fire Code Commentary. 2012 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE. Nor does the ICC list.

ICC CODE CORNER 2012 IFC Code. The person who is serious about effectively design-. Presented in an easy-to-reference format the commentary includes the full text of the code including tables and figures followed by corresponding commentary at the end of each section in one document.
This comprehensive publication provides a convenient reference for regulations in the 2012 International Fire Code.
ICC Digital Codes is the largest provider of model codes custom codes and standards used worldwide to construct safe sustainable affordable and resilient structures. Furthermore the commentary is advisory only. COMMENTARY iii PREFACE The principal purpose of the Commentary is to provide a basic volume of knowledge and facts relating to building construction as it pertains to the regulations set forth in the 2012 International Fire Code. This guide was made possible by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through Fire Prevention and Safety Grant EMW-2012-FP-00267.