2012 The Year Of The Mayan Prophecy English Edition. In tracing the meaning of the prophetic Mayan end date of 2012 to our present society Daniel Pinchbeck draws together alien abductions psychedelic visions the current ecological crisis and other peculiar aspects of 21st century life into a new vision for our time. Dec 21 2012 The Mayan Long Count calendar is the basis for the popular New Age belief originally suggested by Jose Arguelles a founder of the Earth Day concept in his 2002 book Time and the Technosphere that a global catastrophe will occur on or near December 21 2012 the time of the Winter Equinox.

By the Olmec civilization who were recording astrological patterns in the sky and eventually shared this information with the Mayans. What is the year 2012 Mayan prophecy. -- It will change --everything will change.
Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages 2009 12 out of 4 Cheaply produced documentary from director Philip Gardiner that takes a look at the Mayan calender which ends on December 21 2012 and is the date many believes the world will end.
Time will never be the same again. -- It will change --everything will change. This end of the Mayan calendar led to many different interpretations. Dec 21 2012 The Mayan Long Count calendar is the basis for the popular New Age belief originally suggested by Jose Arguelles a founder of the Earth Day concept in his 2002 book Time and the Technosphere that a global catastrophe will occur on or near December 21 2012 the time of the Winter Equinox.