2013 Annual Report On Prostate Diseases 2013. Prostate cancer is the leading cancer among Floridian men and last year was no exception with an estimated 1 man every 31 minutes being diagnosed with the disease. A need to modify the preactivity information dissemination by these institutions can be done to further increase the attendance of targeted population of the prostate health awarene.

The Report brings context and clarity to todays treatment options for prostate cancer from medications and radiation to nerve-sparing surgery hormonal therapy and more. 2013 Annual National Digital Rectal Exam Day. A need to modify the preactivity information dissemination by these institutions can be done to further increase the attendance of targeted population of the prostate health awarene.
The Report brings context and clarity to todays treatment options for prostate cancer from medications and radiation to nerve-sparing surgery hormonal therapy and more.
What is targeted therapy. One in eight men will develop it. More than a primer on prostate conditions this Special Health Report the 2018 Annual Report on Prostate Diseases includes roundtable discussions with experts at the forefront of prostate research interviews with men about their treatment. Jan 15 2018 Most men eventually develop some type of prostate problem and when they do there are usually no easy solutions.