2013 The End Of Days Or A New Beginning Envisioning The World After The Events Of 2012. Weinland who previously predicted the world would end in 2011 2012 and then 2013 predicted in 2018 that Jesus would return on June 9 2019. Jun 07 2016 Read 2013.

Prior to the date occurring he began to express some doubts regarding his own prediction. The End of Days or a New Beginning. These seminal events will occur just prior to the beginning of a period called Daniels 70th Week and they will serve to alert everyone that the final days have come upon the world.
The Rapture will be the next astounding occurrence that will be the catalyst of earth-shaking eternal destiny altering chain of events never before experienced in the annals of mankind.
Envisioning the World After the Events of 2012 Write a review Oct 10 2008 Schnaucl rated it it was ok. In a few short years we will know what 2013 has to offer and if radical change is going to occur a few days before the end of 2012. Weinland who previously predicted the world would end in 2011 2012 and then 2013 predicted in 2018 that Jesus would return on June 9 2019. Jones lays out the myths and predictions surrounding this fateful day as well as the real-life challenges the Earth is facing as 2012 draws closer.