2014 Edition Ieee Usa Consultants Fee Survey Report English Edition. An upward trend exists when the data focuses on the number of years as a consultant rather than in the profession. IEEE-USA has conducted surveys of the compensation of IEEEs US.

IEEE-USAs Consultants Fee Survey Report provides a useful profile of typical self-employed and independent technical consultants including education experience business practices median earnings and hourly rate that can help consultants bench-mark their consulting practice. Or for a bit less to the Pacific Coast. The typical rate begins at 151 per hour for those with less than five years of consulting experience up from 130 in the 2014 report.
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For nine of the last 10 years separate information has been gathered about consultants compensation. 2011 EDITION IEEE-USA CONsuLTaNTs Fee SuRVeY REPORT. 7 Oct 2016 Advertisement. Sep 11 2017 IEEE-USA has conducted surveys of the compensation of IEEEs US.