2014 Hot Item On Ebay Seller Secrets Sold Out More Than 500 Price Item English Edition. I sold my first item on eBay in 2008 it was a 70 hair-straightener which was drop shipped to my first ever customer from a Chinese supplier. Mar 19 2020 The Sold listing for the item I sold for 500 shows incorrectly.

Double-check delivery charges as some sellers try to. Heavily discounted or sold-out items. Dec 08 2014 Despite eBays denial of hidden seller limits last year many sellers reported evidence of such a practice.
Now its time to ship your item showing the same item at the original price.
1 or more bids with reserve price met or no reserve price set. Heavily discounted or sold-out items. Jun 20 2019 1214 per sold item is almost 50 higher than the average price on eBay US. Order number is different.