2014 Quick Reference Card For Pediatric Immunization Coding And Documentation. Keep in mind that each vaccine administered is its own entity. 2021 Revisions and Pediatric Evaluation and Management.

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice. This convenient card allows for quick assessment of all your pediatric immunization coding and documentation needs. 4-dose series at 2 4 6 1215 months PedvaxHIB.
May 07 2019 Using an immunization information system to document vaccines administered can help to keep patient vaccination records up to date and give all medical providers that care for a patient access to complete and accurate information about the patients immunization history.
Codes are shown by vaccine manufacturer brand and components alongside any relevant administration codes. National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. This quick reference card also features common pediatric vaccine classifications and valuable immunization coding tips. 3-dose series at 2 4 1215 months Catch-up vaccination.