2015 International Residential Code Commentary. COMMENTARY sions shall be altered or repaired to provide a minimum level of health and safety as required herein. The 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE.

Sections followed by code and commentary to subsequent sections tables and figures. The 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE COMMENTARY VOLUME 1 is much more than a codebook. Attic Ventilation Space within thermal envelopeEnclosed attics and rafter spaces shall have cross ventilation for each separate space.
Order the 2019 edition of Title 24 from the publishers listed on the Codes tab.
States Adopting International Residential Code 2015 IRC 2015 States Adopting International Residential Code 2012 IRC 2012 States Adopting International Residential Code 2009 IRC 2009 International Fire Code. It is presented in an easy-to-reference format and includes the full text of the code including tables and figures followed by corresponding commentary. Learn to apply the I-Codes. The code is intended to provide requirements addressing the public health safety and welfare as they relate to the use and maintenance of existing structures and premises.