2015 Standard Catalog Of World Paper Money Modern Issues Modern Issues 1961 Present. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money Modern Issues 1961-Present 5899 Only 15 left in stock - order soon. DownloadStandard catalog of world paper money modern issues 1961 present pdf.

The CD version of the 21st edition of the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money Modern Issues assists in accurate and efficient assessment and appraisal of circulating bank notes from around the world. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money Modern Issues 1961-Present Standard Catalog of World Paper Money Modern Issues 1961-Present Filesize. - KRAUSE STANDARD CATALOG OF WORLD PAPER MONEY MODERN ISSUES 1961-PRESENT.
Featuring the insight and experience of a worldwide network of numismatic experts the 25th edition of the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money Modern Issues provides the most comprehensive and complete reference to world bank notes issued since 1961.
More than 19100 variety listings and more than 12250 bank note illustrations. Modern Issues 1961 - Present Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. It is the largest and most comprehensive English language catalog and retail price guide of world bank notes. Before using this unit we are encourages you to read this user guide in.