2015 Super Icd 10 Cm Classification Of Diseases And Injuries English Edition. Compiled withe latest data provided by CMSgov. The 2021 ICD-10-CM codes are to be used from October 1 2020 through September 30 2021.

The future has arrived with Super ICD-10-CM the best and most comprehensive ICD-10-CM coding book to date. Certain zoonotic bacterial diseases A20-Certain zoonotic bacterial diseases A20 ---A28A28A28 Plague A20 Bubonic plague A200 Cellulocutaneous plague A201 Pneumonic plague A202 Plague meningitis A203 Septicemic plague A207 Other forms of plague A208 Plague unspecified A209 Tularemia A21. ICD-10-CM codes will be able to provide more specific and in-depth information about the patients condition.
This edition is Supercharged.
For example the code for Huntington disease is G10 in ICD-10 and 8A0110 in ICD-11. Downloads 2015 General Equivalence Mappings GEMs Diagnosis Codes and Guide ZIP. Sep 29 2014 The 2015 ICD-10-CM files below contain information on the new diagnosis coding system ICD-10-CM that is being developed as a replacement for ICD-9-CM Volumes 1 and 2. Vol1_BWindb 1 150915 1209.