2017 California Penal Code Abridged English Edition. 2019 CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE ABRIDGED. Penal Code - PEN Probate Code - PROB Public Contract Code - PCC Public Resources Code.

TITLE 3 - OF OFFENSES AGAINST THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATE 37-38. Penal code of California. The Qwik-Code California Penal Code Book - Abridged is a full text of the enforcement sections from the Penal Code in a condensed handbook-sized format.
We have new and used copies available in 1 editions - starting at 299.
It does not contain any legal analysis. The Penal Code of California forms the basis for the application of most criminal law criminal procedure penal institutions and the execution of sentences among other things in the American state of CaliforniaIt was originally enacted in 1872 as one of the original four California Codes and has been substantially vague amended and revised since then. Buy 2015 Penal Code. With appendix of other penal laws including narcotic and dangerous drug laws Juvenile court law selected section from the Alcoholic beverage control law and titles 8 18 26 of the United States Code.