2017 Lenten Devotional Booklet Renewed For Life English Edition. Some are disturbing as is appropriate for Lenten meditations. Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading 2017 Lenten Devotional Booklet.

Some are disturbing as is appropriate for Lenten meditations. If you are already an email subscriber you will find a link to the 2017 Lent devotional booklet at the very bottom of your email. Just click the link that says CLICK HERE and it will bring you to a PDF of the devotional booklet which you can then either save to your own computer or print.
Please receive this devotion booklet as a gift from the Martin Luther College campus family.
Holy Week Worship Experience - Wednesday April 12. Instead of giving something up learn a new spiritual practice with Erin MacPherson who observes Lent. Publicly and Privately being Present with God. Popular biblical scholar and author N.