208 Most Famous European Classical Writers Pictures English Edition. Queen of Crime Agatha Christie is a British who is credited for creating two of the most well-known literary sleuths Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Explore our list of European Fiction.

Dumas is one of the most prominent French writers with his historical novels that tell of adventurous tales. Other famous British writers include William Golding Graham Greene Evelyn Waugh and so on. His complete works total 100000 pages and due to the level of success of his early works he was able to be a full-time writer and dedicate himself solely to.
Harper Lee believed to be one of the most influential authors to have ever existed famously published only a single novel up until its controversial sequel was published in 2015 just before her deathLees To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960 and became an immediate classic of literature.
Apr 11 2019 The second most seductive portrayal of a Greek island after Gerald Durrells My Family and Other Animals came from some Seattle longhairs half in thrall to the Beach Boys and half to folk music. Harper Lee believed to be one of the most influential authors to have ever existed famously published only a single novel up until its controversial sequel was published in 2015 just before her deathLees To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960 and became an immediate classic of literature. I remember reading a rather disturbing answer on Quora a while ago written by a history professor in which he argued that since we are Continue reading Famous Classical Authors Who Were. Crusoes world-famous novel is.