2084 An Oral History Of The Great Warming. The book is written by James Powell scientist and teacher of geology who has actually had an asteroid named for him. Through interviews with scientists political leaders and citizens around the globe this riveting oral history describes in graphic detail the irreversible effects the Great Warming has had on.

It presents an oral history of The Great Warming. Nos fiktv vagy nem fiktv ez semmikppen sem oral history s nem sok kze van Studs Terkel munkssghoz amit a narrtor-szerző pldakpeknt. Sep 29 2018 This is a novel written by a distinguished geoscientist and educator.
2084 is a collection of personal accounts from victims of climate change set 73 years into the future.
An Oral History of the Great Warming. No countryand no onehas remained unscathed. It presents an oral history of The Great Warming. Mar 21 2011 The year is 2084.