20th Century Garden And Landscape Architecture In The Netherlands. The transition from utilitarian greenery to greenery. The enthusiasm for microcompositions characterizes much of 20th-century landscape architecture.

La franaise exemplified by the Gardens of Versailles became the dominant horticultural style in Europe until the middle of the 18th century when the English landscape garden and the French landscape garden acceded to dominance. The expansion in scale of private gardens beyond the needs of private living led inexorably first to the dedication of such spaces to public use and then to the development of public gardens. That lay at the heart of its translation into landscape architecture.
The transition from utilitarian greenery to greenery.
In the 19th century a welter of historical revivals and Romantic cottage-inspired gardening. During most of its history landscape design was of three kinds. The enthusiasm for microcompositions characterizes much of 20th-century landscape architecture. Moving forward in time there was a great fashion revival for Italian gardens in the late 19th and early 20th century both in the private garden and in the public parks but again time distorted the end results.