21 Days With Jesus English Edition. To get the most out of your Challenge invite a few trusted Friends to join you. Worship - day 3 1 Start your day with JESUS - 24th September 2020 Day 14 - 21 Days Prophetic Praise.

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. We hope at the end of your 21-day journey you will have grown closer to Jesus and more like Jesus. Give us this day our daily bread.
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21 Days of Discipleship. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets. The Daily Walk Bible NLT 31 Days With Jesus Daily Walk EBook English Edition document is now comprehensible for forgive and you can access gain access to and keep it in your desktop. John one of Jesus closest friends gives us insight and challenges us to know Jesus believe Jesus and model our lives after Jesus every day.