21 Tips And Tricks Must Have Shortcuts For Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 English Edition. Getting Strategic The duplicate slide keyboard shortcut CTRL SHIFT D works REGARDLESS of what you are doing and what you have. Mar 21 2018 Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 training video on how to format text including Format Painter and the F4 key formatting shortcuts.

Must Have Shortcuts for Microsoft Word 2013 Mar 8 2015. Our staff updates this post regularly adding new exciting PowerPoint tips and templates with special help from Brenda Barron and Andrew Childress. The duplicate slide shortcut CTRL SHIFT D creates a duplicate or copy of the slide you are currently working onIt sounds like a repeat shortcut but it plays a very strategic role in PowerPoint and is definitely worth memorizing.
By Arundhati Raychaudhuri Finance Professional India-----Important information before you join. If you use PowerPoint at home or office this will make that presentation more efficient and fun to create. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. You will have instant and free access to any updates Ill add to the course.