21st Century Contract Bridge A Guide To Modern American Bidding Methods 3rd Edition. Responder with 4-4 in both Majors bid 1H. Advanced Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century by Max Hardy List Price.

Opponents cant come into the bidding at the one level. This book concentrates on bidding. For example a 2 Clubs bid most often does NOT mean that the player using this bid has a good Club suit and wants to play a contract with Clubs as trump.
This is the 1st in the American Contract Bridge League39s series of bridge books for beginning and advancing players.
EZ Deal Cards for Bidding in the 21st Century. Other titles by Audrey Grant are here. These descriptions are from the ACBL Bridge Bulletin series called the Bidding Toolkit. Hardy starts out by discussing how to evaluate hands focusing on how the location of honors and the shape.