21st Century World Holy Spirit Modern Platform English Edition. The New Testament was published in 1945. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets.

You can be filled with the Spirit of God today and manifest the Holy Spirits powerful gifts even as the early Church did-----Hebrews 138 Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday and TODAY and forever. Dodd ed The New English Bible. In this signature book he is taking all believers to the school of the apostles where they will learn to either operate in the office of apostle or function apostolically in their current sphere of influence.
It was led by William J.
And He who does not change confirms the same Gospel in the 21st century with the same supernatural manifestations. You can be filled with the Spirit of God today and manifest the Holy Spirits powerful gifts even as the early Church did-----Hebrews 138 Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday and TODAY and forever. Youngs Literal Translation is a translation of the Bible into English published in 1862. We love Gods word.