22 Lives In 2014 Obituaries From The Washington Post English Edition. Dec 16 2014 In 22 LIVES OF 2014 THE WASHINGTON POST turns to its Pulitzer Prize-winning reportage to gather the obituaries of some of the greatest artists and icons. The Washington Post beautifully and comprehensively encapsulates some of the luminaries the world lost in 2015.

Find obituariesfor the people you care about in the communities that matter to you. Apr 01 2020 Search Obituaries in Local Newspapers Legacy partners with top newspapers across the United States. Genealogy and family history records include.
He held the post through 1961 during some of the bloodiest fighting between Algerian.
Archive page for Post Mortem Obituaries from The Washington Post. The Washington Post beautifully and comprehensively encapsulates some of the luminaries the world lost in 2015. December 26 1985. A News Obituary is a brief biographical summary of the highlights of a persons life and career and is written by the news staff of The Washington Post.