247 Home Rescue Home Safety Simple Ways To Keep Your Family Safe English Edition. Keep your local poison control center phone number close to the phone. Studies have shown that cameras alarm systems and even home security signs make break-ins less likely to occur.
Move your cleaning products to cabinets with safety latches. Fortunately there are things we can do to help keep our homes and families safe. To a prowler an unanswered phone is a quick tip that your home is empty.
Move your cleaning products to cabinets with safety latches.
More than 3000 people drown every year and children up to age 4 are the most susceptible. To do so you will need to ensure that your home is equipped with the right items to prevent andor promptly respond to any incidents. Jun 17 2013 2. Sep 16 2020 The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to keep them all well-protected.