25 000 Years Of Jewelry. Now available in a new edition this opulent book reaches back 25000 years to trace the history of jewelry from the Paleolithic era to the present day. A mind-boggling feat this survey of 7000 years of glittering memorabilia of lost empires royal egos superstition and sentiment--New York Times Book Review The most comprehensive and beautifully illustrated history of jewelry.

Oct 19 2021 Now available in a new edition this opulent book reaches back 25000 years to trace the history of jewelry from the Paleolithic Era to the present day. Drawn from the extensive holdings of the Staatliche Museen in Berlin this collection of jewelry through the ages links cultures and eras to show how the design wearing and collecting of personal. Since the beginning of mankind people have adorned themselves with jewellery whether in the form of necklaces rings.
The book features jewellery ranging from the splendid crowns of ancient Greece gold earrings from Babylon and jewelled collars worn by 13th-century Islamic royalty to more modern pieces such as those contained in the imperial collection of Queen Louise of Prussia Art Nouveau jewellery designed.
Jewellery has a long tradition in all of the worlds cultures. From the PublisherThis opulent book reaches back 25000 years to trace the history of jewelry from the Paleolithic era to the present day. 25 000 Years of Jewelry 2015-03-05. Drawn from the extensive holdings of the Staatliche Museen in Berlin this collection of jewelry through the ages links cultures and eras to show how the design wearing and collecting of personal adornment has evolved over the ages.