25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know. 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know is the winner of the 1999 Beginner-Intermediate ABTA Book Award. 9781894154079 from Amazons Book Store.

25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know by Barbara Seagram Paperback CDN1995. They explain clearly and concisely how to use each one and how it fits into a standard bidding system. Other useful conventions are Takeout Doubles Blackwood asking for aces and kings on the way to a slam and the 2-club opening bid which shows a very strong hand usually 22 points or more in.
An ABTA Master Teacher Barbara has been involved in many of MPPs most successful titles most notably 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know.
Ships from and sold by Amazonca. 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know by Barbara Seagram Paperback CDN1995. It doesnt take long before beginning bridge players want to know more about bidding systems and especially about conventions. Bridge Guys Convention Descriptions.