25 Tang Poets Index To The English Translations. Bai was born in the same year as Liu Yuxi and referred to Liu and Po those two mad old men. First Lines of English Translations pp.

There are many English versions of poems on the market with different styles but the quality of the translated poems is quite different. Published by Chinese University Press Hong Kong 1984 ISBN 10. May 31 2009 This website contains over fifty poems from the Tang Dynasty of China 618-907 AD and Dr.
The translation of ancient Chinese poetry has always been an insurmountable mountain in literary translation and Li Bais poetic merits as a unique symbol of ancient Chinese poetry are more favored by Chinese and foreign translators.
May 31 2009 This website contains over fifty poems from the Tang Dynasty of China 618-907 AD and Dr. Glossary Selected Bibliography Index of Poets. Wang Fengs Harmony-guided Three-Level poetry translation. Index to English translations.