25 Ways To Encourage Good Behavior With More Discipline Less Punishment. Praise your child for. Jan 01 2019 Reinforce good behavior.

Say things like I love it when you or That was so nice that you did that or Because you behaved so well today lets read an extra story tonight Children like praise and may be more likely to behave well when they see that its worth their while. Mar 25 2020 Here are a few specific behaviors that can be especially responsive to praise. Youll get further with this goal using patience.
The solution for the child is usually more bad behavior to find out which adult is right or who is more powerful.
Adding chores and responsibilities when he fails to follow the rules. It makes the parent responsible for the kids behavior not the kid themself. Jan 14 2014 Punishment makes them cry or look upset and those tears and that look are reinforcers when parents are angry. A child who can feel good about themselves is less likely to make poor decisions.