250 Checkmate Exercises For Improving Players. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets. Improve your game by studying 250 checkmate exercises.

250 Checkmate Exercises For Beginners - Kindle edition by Cicero Sam. This book presents 250 mate in 1 exercises from recent tournament games. The exercises in the current book are more advanced than the those in the previous book.
The book contains 250 checkmate exercises for the reader to solve and all of them are from games involving players with an Elo rating in the range of 1600 - 2200.
This book presents 250 mate in 1 exercises from recent tournament games. Skip to main contentsg. Hence the current book is aimed at players who have more experience in chess and some of the later exercises will prove quite challenging for most club players. Chessables flagship course on the crucial skill of checkmating presented by IM John Bartholomew.