250 Kakuro Puzzles. Get More Kakuro Puzzles Now. Kakuro puzzles are similar with crosswords but instead of letters the board is filled with digits from 1 to 9.

You will find brief easy to follow instructions on how to solve each of these puzzles to help you if you are a beginner. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Kakuro is a logic puzzle with simple rules and challenging solutions.
A number above the diagonal line in a black square represents the total of the numbers in the white squares to the right of it.
If you are comfortable with Kakuro you may also like my puzzle Krypto Kakuro which adds cryptogram-like decoding to the challenge. Every kakuro puzzle has one and only solution and can be solved through logic alone. Oct 20 2008 Kakuro is a Japanese puzzle game that is solved by inputting numerical combinations and using simple math. Kakuro the sequel to Sudoku This Online Japanese numbers game is gaining popularity in both North America and Europe by ATK.