26 Fairmount Avenue What A Year. Walt Disneys Snow White the movie everyone had been waiting to see. 26 Fairmount Avenue is full of humor drama suspense and just the day to day ups and downs of a little boys life.

Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Then the holidays arrive and Tomie has a part in the Christmas play. 26 Fairmount Avenue is full of humor drama suspense and just the day to day ups and downs of a little boys life.
Its also the first year that Tomie gets to go trick-or-treating with his older brother Buddy.
This Christmas is going to be great. In a heartwarming first-person account dePaola retells his experiences at home and in school when he was a boy. A classroom birthday celebration gives way to Halloween quickly followed by Thanksgiving and finally the ultimate child-event Christmas. This Christmas is going to be great.