2616 Gail Bag Vintage Crochet Pattern English Edition. This pattern is crocheted in a strong cotton and polyester blend making this tote bag soft and durable. Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading 2616 GAIL BAG VINTAGE CROCHET PATTERN.

You have items in your shopping bag. This pattern is crocheted in a strong cotton and polyester blend making this tote bag soft and durable. Click or Press Enter to view the items in your shopping bag or Press Tab to interact with the Shopping bag tooltip.
In search of free crochet bag patterns.
Crochet bag patterns help you create items that are versatile you can make different bags to suit a variety needs make a market bag to take to the farmers market and put your fruit and veggies in a lovely purse for a night out on the town a backpack for school or college a handbag for a day out shopping the possibilities are endless. Jul 09 2020 Crochet Bags. Spencer Market Bag. YARN Polyester cord.