2782 Oval Tatted Doily Vintage Tatting Pattern English Edition. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading 2782 OVAL TATTED DOILY VINTAGE TATTING PATTERN.

PDF Reproduction of a Vintage Tatting Pattern for a Delicate Doily. Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading 2782 OVAL TATTED DOILY VINTAGE TATTING PATTERN. I revised and modernized the text and introduced Cluny petals into the motif.
Our patterns are all out of print and hard to find.
Tatting Doily Pattern Tatting Doily PDF Shuttle Tatting Doily Big Tatting Pattern Shuttle Tatting Pattern. This project was inspired by patterns in a Norwegian book Orkis-Arbejder Hefte 1 Fancy Tatting Patterns I published circa 1915. Sweet little doily makes a lovely gift for many uses - the 4 size is perfect for a small doily a coaster under a mug or wine glass a lid cover for homemade jam or even a Christmas ornament if you starch it. This was originally in German and was posted by the Antique Pattern Library July 2019.