289 Sayings Of Imam Ali As English Edition. If you succeed in misleading somebody Do not think of him of being a big fool Rather think about how he trusted you. He is not grateful for what he gets and covets for increase in whatever remains with him.

18 46-1 Allah will not submit the faithful believers to Hell after He promised them Paradise and eternal abode in it. He who is swift in doing to the people that which they dislike is talked about by them in accordance with their imagination. And this is what Imam Ali said about himself Ask me before you lose me.
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib ع said.
The aim of this essay is to demonstrate through the writings. And this is what Imam Ali said about himself Ask me before you lose me. No individual is lost and no nation is refused prosperity and success if the foundations of their thoughts and actions rest upon piety and godliness and upon truth and justice. Husayn Mardi Chehel Sotoon Theological School.