2100 Asanas Lencyclopedie Des Postures De Yoga. 1500 Stretches--the follow-up book to the New York Times bestseller 2100 Asanas-- compiles all stretching poses in one place organized by body part with stunning photographs. Date sortie parution.

2100 Asanas is an unprecedented meticulously crafted catalog of yoga poses and modifications. Vinyasa yoga features flowing movement breath awareness and deliberately sequencing poses in a way that is safe and transformational. 2100 asanas - lencyclopdie des postures de yoga.
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Oct 27 2015 This fully-illustrated New York Times bestseller categorizes an astonishing 2100 yoga poses through photographs and descriptions for optimal benefit including adaptations for all levels of expertise and ages. Il y est dit que les postures doivent tre stables et confortables fermes et dtendues en mme temps. - Les postures ou asanas. Daniel Lacerda Auteur Consulter la page Daniel Lacerda dAmazon.