261 North American Indian Designs. It includes white shell beads hand fashioned from the North Atlantic channeled whelk shell and white and purple beads made from the quahog or Western North Atlantic hard-shelled clam. Indian artifacts may be strewn where there was once a settlement.

Adapted from textile patterns wood carvings ceramics and other traditional craft forms the royalty-free designs include abstract and floral motifs as well as human animal and mythical figures. Gunstock clubs were most predominantly used by Eastern Woodland Central and Northern Plains tribes in the 18th and 19th centuries. Native American jewelry has had many functions throughout history.
Mar 28 2003 This collection assembles a broad range of these designs including abstract and floral motifs as well as human animal and mythical figures.
Arrowheads and bird points may be found at vantage points such as cliff tops and bluffs although only fragments or shards of these primitive tools may. Adapted from textiles wood carvings ceramics and other traditional craft forms the designs are the work of the Sioux Blackfoot Apache Cheyenne Navajo Hopi Algonquin Seminole Kwakiutl Ute Menominee and Micmac. 261 North American Indian Designs by Madeleine Orban-Szontagh starting at 099. Adapted from textile patterns wood carvings ceramics and other traditional craft forms the royalty-free designs include abstract and floral motifs as well as human animal and mythical figures.